Write for Touchy Subjects

To apply to be a contributor, please fill out this form.

Partners: please send your submission pitches to partners@gettouchyfeely.com.

But first, please read below:

  • Read our guidelines for contributing writers.
  • Include a brief bio and the links to your social media profiles with your submission. You may also include a headshot or portrait to include with your published submission, but it’s not mandatory.
  • We do accept video and audio submissions! Please write “video” or “audio” in the subject line of your email if submitting one of these formats.
  • We also accept previously published blog posts. Please include the link to the story (you must be able to prove that you retain author rights and the ability to publish elsewhere).
  • If you’d like us to send you some fun surprises, please include your mailing address. We promise to never share or sell your personal address without your explicit permission.
  • Please direct all questions to kendra@gettouchyfeely.com.

Editorial notes:

  • We edit stories and titles for length, clarity and to meet our own editorial guidelines. We respect artists and never want to misrepresent your voice or intent, so we will always run changes by you before publishing. However, please note that if we are unable to come to an agreement on changes, we reserve the right to pass on publishing your work.
  • If we choose to publish your story on Touchy Feely, we will include your byline and a link to your preferred social media profile.

As much as we'd love to accommodate all of the work we receive, we can’t publish every submission. Due to the volume of submissions, we aren’t able to personally reply to every email, but we’ll do our best to provide feedback where relevant. Please know that we are honored to be able to review your work and that another piece may be relevant for us at a later time (so please don’t give up!).

Thank you for sharing your work with us!